Greeting residents of Fair Haven and friends of the Fair Haven Volunteer Fire Company No.1:
I am honored to serve as Chief of the Fair Haven Fire Department for 2013. I grew up on Fair Haven Road and I have long admired the dedication of our local volunteer emergency services. Despite that admiration, I had no plans as a young man to become a firefighter or an EMT. After graduating from Rumson Fair Haven High School, I moved to Virginia and North Carolina for 11 years. After the birth of our first child, my wife Genevieve and I decided to return to Fair Haven to raise a family. Fighting the tide of the people leaving NJ, we returned for the great schools, the small-town life, the kids on their bicycles, our life-long friends, and the neighborliness of Fair Haven and the greater Peninsula.
Not long after returning, I found myself eager to become an active member of Fair Haven’s volunteer spirit. In what might have been a selfish pursuit to prepare for my own family emergencies, I worked to become an EMT and eventually a Fire Fighter. Long before I finished this training, I reached out to the members of the Fair Haven Fire Company about assisting them with their many endeavors. My first unofficial efforts on behalf of the FHFD included setting up snow fence and the miniature golf course for the Fireman’s Fair. It was not glamorous work, but it was rewarding and I made new friends immediately.
I am now embracing my role as Chief and I am thankful for the guidance and support I receive from the many experienced members of our Fire Department. My overwhelming objective is to ensure the continued safety of our Fair Haven citizens and the members of the Fair Haven Fire Company. I lead a great team which includes the Fire Department, the First Aid Squad, the Fire Police, the Water Rescue Unit, and the Auxiliary. All of these organizations include incredibly diverse and dedicated members who spend countless hours working to make Fair Haven a better place. Some of my priorities for the coming year include:
Expand member training initiatives to ensure continued learning and professionalism
Expand cooperation with neighboring towns to ensure the effectiveness of mutual aid operations
Evaluate equipment needs to ensure our members have the tools they need to operate safely and protect the interests of our residents
Recruit new members to ensure the continued growth and success of our volunteer services
I would like to thank all of you for your continued support. Volunteering in the emergency services is a demanding yet rewarding endeavor. This will be a particularly rewarding year for me. Please know that you can reach me at any time at chief@fhfd.org if you have questions or concerns regarding the operations of the Fair Haven Volunteer Fire Co.
Best wishes for a safe and prosperous 2013.
Derek DeBree
2013 FHFD Chief