Check your Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Daylight Saving Time ends Nov. 5: change clocks, batteries…

Daylight Saving Time ends in the U.S. at 2 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 5. The FHFD reminds everyone to turn their clocks back one hour and also to change your batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, as well as other safety items in your home during DST.

The National Fire Protection Association reports that 71 percent of smoke alarms which failed to operate did so because they had missing, dead, or disconnected batteries. This reinforces how important it is to take the time to check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Not only is it important to check batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors this time of year, but also all of the devices that keep us comfortable, safe and secure in our homes.  Many homes now have home safety and security devices connected to the internet or their smartphones.

In addition to changing batteries, now is a good time to make sure to create or update your fire safety plan. Every family should have a fire safety plan.  Having a plan helps ensure every family member is prepared if an emergency occurs.

You can find more information on smoke alarm safety, and a guide to make a fire safety plan for your home on the NFPA website.