Clearing snow from hydrants vitally important
Keep an eye on hydrants
When winter is at its coldest, you may want to spend most of your time inside. However, it’s important to keep an eye on what’s happening outdoors, too. Wintry weather can create fire safety hazards, such as ice or heavy snowfall that can obstruct fire hydrants. You can help reduce the risk by keeping fire hydrants accessible and clear of ice and snow.
Why it matters
In an emergency, every second counts. Fire hydrants that are blocked, concealed, or difficult to access due to snow or ice impede emergency fire response.
Fire trucks carry a limited amount of water, so one of the first tasks upon arriving at a fire is to locate a water supply from the nearest hydrant. Hydrants covered in snow can be difficult to locate, and uncovering them can waste valuable time needed during the firefighting operations.
Keeping them clear can mean easier access to water and more time doing what really matters — fighting the fire.
How to keep fire hydrants clear
In addition to removing snow and debris covering the hydrant itself, the FHFD recommends clearing a 3-foot area around the hydrant for easier access.
Who should clear hydrants
Although there are few hard and fast rules concerning who should clear hydrants, it’s generally considered the responsibility of the residents occupying property near a hydrant.
Consider helping elderly friends, neighbors, or those with medical conditions to keep their fire hydrants clear.
The winter can be a time for enjoying the great outdoors with friends and family. Help keep your home safe from winter fire hazards by ensuring your fire hydrants are clear and readily accessible in an emergency.
The Fair Haven Fire Department also suggests maintaining a shoveled path from the street, sidewalk or driveway to the fire hydrant so that it is visible from the road and firefighters can easily access it.