Q: I’d like to help out, but I don’t know anything about firefighting or EMS. Other than giving a monetary donation, what can I do?
A: Even if you have absolutely no prior experience, we would love to consider you for membership in the Fire Company. Please see “Joining FHFD” to get started. However, if you don’t want to join but do want to volunteer some of your time, please contact us and we’ll get in touch. We can use lots of help!
Q: Do I have to live in Fair Haven to join the Fire Company?
A: No. We accept membership applications from any of the nearby towns, including Little Silver, Red Bank and Rumson.
Q: I work in New York City and commute every day. Would I be a useful addition to the Fire Company?
A: Absolutely! We have many members who are commuters, and they give of their time when ever they are in town. Fortunately, we also have a number of members who work locally, so we have not experienced the difficulties many departments have with undermanned daytime responses.
Firefighting Questions
Q: How do the firefighters know when there’s an alarm? I used to hear the whistle on top of the firehouse a lot, but I don’t seem to hear it as much any more.
A: Members of the Fire Department carry special pagers than alert them when there is a fire or first aid call. The device allows the Fair Haven Police Department dispatcher to announce the address and nature of the emergency. During the day, we still blow the fire whistle as a backup procedure. However, we do not blow the whistle after 11pm, which explains why you don’t hear the sound as much as you used to.
Q: I have a fire detector, and I change the batteries annually. Do I also need a carbon monoxide detector? What is the difference in these things?
A: You definitely should have both kinds of detectors. The fire detector senses heat and smoke, both of which create carbon monoxide in your residence. However, carbon monoxide can be created by several other events that would not necessarily trigger the fire detector.
Q: I am confused about which number to call if I have an emergency. We used to use (732) 747-0991, but all the TV shows show people using 911. What is right for Fair Haven?
A: Either number will get you quickly connected to the dispatcher at the Fair Haven Police Department. However, we recommend that you teach the 911 number to your children or aging relatives — it’s much easier to remember and dial, and it works pretty much any where in the United States.
Q: I had a very small fire in my oven the other day — and it seemed like about a dozen fire trucks showed up! Why couldn’t you just send someone over to check this out for me?
A: Any fire that is inside a structure — such as your house — is a serious threat, even if it’s seemingly small. We would much prefer to be over-prepared than to show up and be inadequately equipped to handle the situation. Please don’t make judgments — just call and tell the dispatcher what problem you have. We will respond with the equipment that can handle any eventuality.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Questions
Q: Are the First Aid Squad members Paramedics? What is the difference?
A: First Aid Squad members are highly trained First Responders to a medical emergency or trauma scene. Most of our members are either Emergency Medical Technicians or First Responders, and at present we do not have any Paramedics as members (although we conceivably could have). The First Aid Squad volunteers provide what is known as “basic life support” services for all emergencies and transports patients to the hospital. If a life threatening situation is encountered, paid Paramedics from the Monmouth/Ocean Hospital Service Corporation (MONOC) are dispatched, along with the First Aid Squad, to provide “advanced life support” services.
Q: How does the First Aid Squad decide which hospital a patient should be transported to?
A: Ordinarily, the patient will be transferred to the closest hospital designated to have the level of support needed by the patient. So, for example, if the patient has suffered a severe head injury, he or she would probably be taken to the regional trauma center — Jersey Shore Medical Center. More routinely, patients are transported to the closest hospital, typically Riverview Medical Center in Red Bank or Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch.
Questions About Our Facilities
Q: How does Fair Haven afford the huge firehouse and all the fire trucks you have?
A: Many residents do not understand that the firehouse property and buildings are owned by the Fire Company – not the Borough of Fair Haven. Much of our fundraising goes toward the upkeep of these facilities. As for the fire and first aid apparatus – the Borough is responsible for purchasing all the apparatus. However, over the years the Fire Company has seen fit to augment the Borough’s funds and purchase several vehicles that were subsequently deeded to the Borough.
Q: Can I rent the large firehouse meeting hall for a private function?
A: In short, no. While members of the Fire Company are allowed to rent the hall for their personal use, and while local civic organizations such as the Scouts do get permission to use the facility for worthy causes, we do not rent it to residents at large. This policy emerged over the years as a result of a number of troubling legal and political experiences.
Got a question that wasn’t answered?
Please submit it to us and we will contact you with the answer.